Commercial of the Week – Lexus H Hyrbid commercial

Haven’t seen to many new ads I like this week. Chevron has some cool advertisements about clean energy that I like, but I know its just a lot of fluff and marketing spin. I think most viewers are probably skeptical of if as well.

One company that seems to be legitimately committed to improving fuel stands is Toyota who owns Lexus as well Scion. Below is a new Lexus ad promoting their three hybrids, that they bill as the only luxury hybrids on the market. Lexus has been pushing their hybrid fleet of late knowing that most auto companies plan on rolling out more luxury hybrids over the next couple of years. But until those cars hit the market, Lexus is in good position in attracting buyers who want luxury and efficiency.

With blu ray vs hd dvd being a dead topic, I am starting to grow my interest the automobile industry as fuel standards and non conventional gas engines become more prevalent. Tesla Motors is  a cool company right down the road who is beginning to make a lot of noise on this front, who has caught my eye.  Do a google news search on them or check out their wikipedia page. With all the stagnation in the US auto industry, it would be great to see some Silicon Valley innovation really spearhead a movement to decrease dependency on foriegn oil.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
