So I am on the verge of Ecstasy. For a variety of reasons, the past 5 nights have been the worst stretch of getting sleep in my life. No crazy vices going on here, but just random freak flareups of items that I take I had to handle. From Friday night until this moment, I have not had a night of sleep more then 4 hours. That’s really not good and I can feel it right now (typos beware?) But before I hibernate for god knows how long, here as always are some cool updates.
First off I am going to do an interview sometime soon with good longtime friend Andrew Greenstein who is CEO and Founder of Bojam
So what’s cool about Bojam and what will we talk about? Well I caught up with him today and was extremely blown away with the company right now and can tell Andrew will do a great job telling us himself. Below is their TechCrunch 50 demo at their company launch, and if you don’t know Tech Crunch or the event, its kind of a big deal.