3 Signs that Facebook Could Become a Fortune 500 Company

Yeah I know, Facebook is not even public yet. Yet somehow it seems as if its staying power and momentum could jolt them into the realm of a Google or Apple. Monetizing social networking is not easy, but with the amount of users Facebook has, the Fortune 500 is not too far fetched at all. With so many Fortune 500 companies going under, there is also upward mobility taking place on the list as well. With that in mind here are 3 totally random current events surrounding facebook that I find impressive.

1)  Facebook is heading towards 175 million users. Last January they hit 150 million users. While that is just number, their marketing department put this great graphic together to articulate just how impressive Facebook’s growth has been compared to other technologies.

2)  I consider myself lucky to have spent 2 weeks at Watercooler Sports working with Justin Smith, who headed product development. Unfortunately Justin left though. Why?

For several years he has been writing his Inside Facebook blog as a side venture. Justin thought the timing was right to make Inside Facebook his full time venture. When you can blog full time on one company and it pays the bills (in Silcon Valley keep in mind), its pretty strong validation that there is significant momentum, intrigue, and buzz about that company.

3) Lastly and this is really weak, but College Humor just did a great satire poking fun of Facebook as well as the god awful movie Faceoff which all my friends liked but I maintain it was just flat out horrible.

Switching faces?

This really doesn’t mean anything in terms of Facebook becoming a Fortune 500 company. However it’s funny and is another sign that Facebook is interwoven with pop culture these days.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
