Where did this happen? Arizona of all places (Tucson area).
When did this happen? In the seconds after the Cardinals took their first lead of the game with minutes left in the 4th quarter.
How did this happen? Well nobody knows. But given that this is the freaking Super Bowl and the timing of when it happened, its got to be 99% via a prankster at the Comcast office. Honestly can this guy or girl not tell anyone about this? I mean if you pulled this off, it would be eating me up inside to not tell people what you did.
So what was shown? 12 seconds of a clip from the Club Jenna channel. The censored clip is on youtube. It’s pretty bad. The real deal clip is found at the end of this sentence. If you click on it, you are going to see porn, so that’s on you buddy (Porn after the td clip. Below is a picture from right before it got NSFW. You can admit that you recognize the actor sitting down. Its ok.
At first I thought it was funny (its still kind of funny), but the fact that a lot of families randomly saw this is kind of unsettling.
My Theory: I have two. 1) this was a prank with someone who has some major cahones (as big as the guy in the clip).
2) Someone at the Comcast Arizona office said “If the Cards come back to take the lead, I will patch the porn channel over the Super Bowl.” The Cards mount an incredible comeback, and the people working the feeds held him or her to their word.
What now: America is entertained/ appalled. Comcast looks horrible. Arizona Comcast subscribers now have to deal with the fact that they not only lost the game, but now have to explain male anatomy a little earlier in the game to their kids then they would have wanted.
I also think a lot party hosts must have FREAKED out thinking that the porn was coming from a non Comcast source and that someone hit play on a DVD or something.
Bottom Line: Do you ever go “Look at how much power I have at my job. I could really screw things up for the company?” You never actually do anything though.
This person did. He/She did it during the third most televised program ever and in its most feverish moment. Crazy!