Yesterday I wrote one of my more popular blogs about how I find my interest and patience waning in social networking sites like myspace and facebook. In regards to myspace, I wrote that in no way shape or form has myspace made any improvements to its interface, realizability , and ability to handle illegimate accounts since being acquired by Fox News Corp in 2005.
Today serves as a perfect example as I have not been able to login to my account all day.
Screenshot Below- click to enlarge
I have grown accustom to Tom asking for patience when myspace crippled with back end IT performance and maintenance issues. Working in the world of IT (information technology), I know its no easy task to maintain, scale, and improve a large infrastructure and data center that myspace’s traffic warrants.
Recently rumors emerged that yahoo would be willing to give 25%-33% of its shares to Fox in order to acquire myspace. I would assume that Fox would jump at the opportunity to cash out their $500 million investment with limited revenue streams, performance issues, consistent IT flareups, and dated user interface for a 8-15 billion dollar chunk of Yahoo.
Despite Myspace’s inability to provide a stable platform, the networking site has served be beneficial to many young people looking to network as seen below.
Fallout from party invitation distributed on myspace… fast forward to 1:45 to laugh your ass off