Nike Gets Viral Videos

The last couple of days I was locked out of posting because of an issue with my hosting provider. My apologies. In the past, I have griped about how advertisers are off the rocker for not posting their commercials on youtube. If you are going to pay substantial money for commercial development and production only to pay an even more exhorbent amount of money on media buys, then why not augment those placements online for free? Some companies go as far as paying people to monitor youtube to keep their commercials off of the video portal. At the other end of the spectrum is Nike who makes viral videos specifically for youtube, video portals, and blogs this. Below is a new viral video promoting Kobe’s new shoe.

Nike is pretty much best in class at this new frontier of digital advertising. It allows them to create a buzz in a younger and more tech savvy crowd, one that may find themselves glued to their computer rather then watching television. Viral videos allow advertisers to be more creative and light hearted and don’t require the production value that most commercials allow. With so many fortune 1000 companies struggling to understand the web (struggling like me at the gym today), its great to see Nike setting a solid example of outside the box thinking. Below are some other videoes they have which were mainly for web distribution. Ronaldinho Ping Pong

Freestyle Horse

Kobe Jumps Over Aston Martin

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
