Commercial of the Week 4/6/08(Iphone Bet Commercial)

Didn’t see much I liked in the way of new commercials this weeks but was impressed with the new Iphone Bet Commercial. Apple’s marketing across all their product lines are targeted, recognizaeblle, and consistent.

Although its overkill, their market shares for all their products have been trending up as more and more consumers begin to think Apple for phones, mp3 players, computers, etc.

The consistent messaging and simplicity of their ads are converting hoards of consumers into Apple users (my company now allows Macs, and we constantly give away Apple products as prizes at events).

The below ad is another great Apple ad, as it showcases a common use case for the Iphone. This ad campaign is approaching one year, but still remains effective as viewers are continuously seeing the robust functionality and ease of use via hypothetical use cases.

This ad was received very positively by my friends as we disagree, bet, and look stuff up via computer or Iphone on almost a daily basis. Unfortunately I recently lost a $25 bet surrounding what year Mike Miller was drafted.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
