Commercial of the Week (Iphone All These Years)

Before talking about my commercial of the week, I wanted to bring up that I recently noticed that advertisers are now segmenting their commercials based on if consumers have HD. Let me explain. We all get ESPN and those of us who have HD receivers and tv’s get ESPNHD which is the same content but on a seperate channel.

Currently I would say about 60% of new commercials are in HD, up considerably from 6 months ago (maybe 40%? back then). However it was during tonight’s Monday night game when I had a second television on the non HD ESPN channel running simaltaneously that I noticed that ESPN HD was playing a completely different commercial. Although most of the commercials lined up several times, the HD channel would have a different advertisement about every other commercial break.


Nothing ground breaking here as I am sure plenty of people know this, but just an interesting fact that may have flew under the radar. Adverterisers are wise to segment the HD early adopters who are likely to have higher incomes, more education, knowledge of high end electronics and technology, and a willingness to spend on luxury items.

With that being said the commercial of the week goes to this new Iphone advertisement targeted spefically at the Blackberry business professional community. Although the release of the Iphone was met with a lot skepticism from the Blackberry owners, slowly and surely Blackberry owners are making the conversion. Its something I am seeing first hand as business professionals are coming to grips that the Iphone has the main functionality needed for work purposes and prefer the Iphone user interface. The below commercial is a great example showing off the stocks and email widgets in addition to looking up articles in Business Week and WSJ. Apple is really getting aggressive in their advertising and are doing a great conceptualizing their great products to the general public.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
