Its Time For Mad Men

My commute on Bart from San Bruno to the city, affords me the opportunity to watch a half hour episode (only 22 minutes without commercials via Itunes) each way of my lovely commute.

Its this luxury that I attribute a modest amount of my sanity to. The last couple of weeks I have been getting all caught up on The Office as some of the earlier seasons were before I hopped onto band wagon. But with only a dozen or so episodes left, I’ve been dreading how to pass the time…

With that in mind, I have made the decision to move on to Mad Men which just finished their second season on AMC. Below is a season 2 trailer.

I don’t know anything about the show, and actually prefer it that way as I am going in fresh. It’s obviously a drama about the advertising industry in the 60’s and the eclectic personalities it attracted. So why am I watching? Basically people who I consider to have good taste in entertainment/culture have given it a big thumbs up. Its directed by one of the main guys behind The Sopranos and has been likened to The Sopranos and The Wire in terms of its greatness. It also has tangible accolades too… “Mad Men has received wide critical acclaim, particularly for its historical authenticity and visual style, and has won numerous awards, including two Golden Globes and six Emmys. It is the second cable series to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series and the first basic cable series to do so.” My hope is that it lives up to the hype as this will be be my December/January obessesion. Considering what public transportation can be like, especially in the winter in a bad economy, I hope Mad Men brings it like I suspect I will.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
