Time to go to the Movies

My apologies on the lack of posting. I am feeling pretty ill but rest assured more blogging of the thought provoking variety is part of my resolutions list. Things are looking very up for me on the job searching front but I have to say, illness aside, its been great having nothing do. I really look forward to being fully healthy with the holidays done and having nothing to do, as long is doesn’t last that much longer and I am optimistic that it won’t. With that in mind, now is a great time to head to the movies. Not because of the holidays or that matinees are cheaper, but because at the end of every year a slew of great indy’s are released. Independent films that are believed to be in Oscar contention are incentivized to bump up their release dates to before the new year….kind of. To be Oscar eligible you only need to have a couple of theatre’s open in New York and Los Angeles. With this in mind, a lot of movies open initially in November/December time frame before a wider release in January. Its almost a perpetual PR cycle as good festival buzz leads to an expedited release which leads to further buzz on Oscar worthiness. Another round of great reviews can lead to Golden Globe nominations and even a win as a film begins to open on more screens. This all hits critical mass in mid/late January when the Oscar nominations come out where a film you never really heard of a month ago is suddenly deemed a front runner or contender in a handful of prestigious categories. I think in the last 2 years I may have gone to only 6 movies in theaters. With a theater within walking distance, I am hoping that I’ll get to check out 3 more right off the bat in 2009. Below are the trailers and why I want to see them. If you want to partake or have some feedback without spoilers, holler at me. I also would like to send my condolences/ pity for any guy who may have to be dragged to Bride Wars over any of these. The things you guys do for some affection is remarkable.

Gran Torino

As I wrote this, I just watched the full trailer for the first time. O man….Can’t wait. Eastwood’s always been awesome, but this senior citizen bad assness (Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby) has been really kick ass. I am generally a huge fan of anything he directs and stars in and this looks like another one that will help put hair on your chest. Eastwood badassness,X Men’s Wolverine, along with playing football has probably increased the testosterone in my body by 25%

The Wrestler

This should be good and insightful. Sprinkle in some Marissa Tomei for value add. Getting great reviews.


Yes my Ohio conservative readers, Hollywood is liberal and so is Ben Koo. The trailer doesn’t actually fill in the details of the big historical event that I am guessing is the ending of this film. Let’s just say I know how this story ends and am a typically a fan of any well made historical piece. Penn, Brolin, Hirsch, and the drug dealer in Pineapple Express is a nice cast. Hopefully the stars lineup and I see all 3 before I start any new potential job. It would be nice to have some accompanying babeage, but that may be asking for too much!

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
