Unethical Trick Play?

Below are two examples of a trick football play that seems to be gaining some popularity


Here is an even stealthier example

I am a fan of trick plays in football, but am going to say that this takes it too far. Although most trick plays have a level of deception to them, this trick play involves tricking the defense that that play has not even started. The defense simply has no chance because they are not even aware a snap has taken place.

Below are 2 trick plays that I would like to see team’s use more often that are deceptive yet fair.

1) 11th man fake fg play- I saw this in a college game about a decade ago and was able to get my high school team to run it. Basically you line up for a normal field goal, and the kicker counts the men on the field. He screams at a supposed 12th man to get off the field to avoid a penalty. The rest of the team can play along and point for him to get off.

However the player running towards the sideline is in fact a legal 11th man and is actually in motion. Once he is near the sideline, the holder or kicker than calls for the snap and lobs a ball to the sideline where he is all alone. Although this play uses some deception and acting, the defense is aware of the snap and has the ability to react although in most cases it is too late.

2) A play I think is ideal for third and short is the fake QB timeout. I initially saw the Rams execute this one a couple of years back. Basically the offense sets up in a normal formation. The quarter back then takes a hard look at the defense and then acts as if he is going to call a timeout. He unstraps his helmet and starts to walk to the sideline. Usually defenses relax just enough for a quick snap to the HB to go unnoticed as the offensive line gets an easy surge up the middle. Its a low risk play that usually can gain an easy 3-8 yards and isn’t bush league like the video above because once again defenses have the chance to react.

I have no qualms about the use of trick plays in football, but wanted to point a trick play that is making a stir that seems to go to far. Love to hear your opinion on the “wrong ball” play as well as some trick plays you don’t think get their just due.

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
