Obama Acceptance Speech

I promise to get back to regular blogging soon enough but thought I would leave you with Obama’s acceptance speech. I really try to keep polotics off my blog, but was very impressed with his speech. In fact most  of my staunch Republican friends gave some really high marks about his comments and said they would be very supportive his presidency. Overall I think this election really got the attention of a lot of young people and regardless what they takeaway from the election, its great to see America’s youth a little more engaged. Obama making overtures to those who who didn’t vote for was a nice sentiment as was McCain’s message to unify behind Obama. Thought it was cool, that Obama didn’t focus too much on him, more on the country and was not overly celebratory. He even vetoed the idea of having fireworks as during a time of a lot of domestic struggles and sobering challenges. He seems anxious to get to work and I think people on both sides are eager in some way to see what happens. It’s a pretty tough time right now, but its great that their is a sense of optimism behind him.

Second Half of speech

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds
